Alternative Paths is dedicated to providing an array of quality behavioral healthcare services designed to meet the needs of the residents of Medina County and surrounding areas.
Alternative Paths, Inc. is a private, non-profit behavioral health agency, founded in 1989. Alternative Paths was established in Medina County with a focus on providing services to adult individuals with severe and persistent mental illness, such as depression, bi-polar disorder, and schizophrenia. Alternative Paths has also served as Medina County’s 24/7 Crisis Intervention Services Hotline, assisting individuals in psychiatric emergency situations.
While the agency retains its specialty in working with individuals with severe and persistent mental illness, in more recent years the agency has expanded its array of behavioral healthcare services to include services for adult individuals with less severe mental health needs and substance use disorders.
In addition to our adult services, the agency also offers youth mental health and substance use disorder treatment for youth ages 5-18. In addition to outpatient services for youth, the agency offers intensive home based treatment services for youth.
Alternative Paths works to help our clients attain the highest level of functioning and independence possible. We recognize that for many of our clients, their mental health or substance use disorder will have a life long impact, but we work to support the recovery model, promoting resiliency and attainment of personal goals.
We believe that recovery is a personal process. Our clinicians work with individuals to rebuild meaningful lives and overcome the negative impacts of a psychiatric disability despite its continued presence. For individuals with substance use disorder, we will work with individuals to choose the treatment options that are best for their personal needs and work to assist the individual in attaining sustained recovery.
Alternative Paths provides dual diagnosis treatment services for individuals with both mental health and substance use disorders through a multidisciplinary clinical team that includes psychiatrists, psychiatric advanced practice nurses, clinical social workers, clinical counselors, psychiatric nurses, chemical dependency counselors, community case managers, and peer supporters.
Alternative Paths is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) and nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). CARF-accredited services providers are recognized as facilities and programs with superior standards of care and excellence in outcomes.
Alternative Paths receives funding from the Medina County Alcohol Drug Addiction and Mental Health Board (ADAMH Board).